Saturday, 27 September 2014

Are you ready for the Civilian Combat

Military medics having gained their precious experience saving lives and providing relief from ailments afflicting their fellow servicemen while on duty, face an uphill task before they can put their valuable nursing skills to use in a civilian nursing practice.

From lack of documentation of their skills to increased dropout rates from civilian nursing programs, veteran medics face obstacles that arise more out perception of their abilities rather than the actual skills they possess.

Lack of information getting around the federal procedures that offer aid and support to veteran medics is also a cause for concern. Without proper support, financial and social, more and more veteran medics face employm
ent challenges in a civilian health care environment when indeed there a huge demand for civilian registered nurses.

Combat weary or combat ready

A case driven practical learning approach at Azure College mimics your previous work environment as a military medic. Highly structure learning environment and an individual co-ordinator assigned to each student ensures that a veteran medic student is getting the individual inputs required for successful course completion.

‘A man who is good enough to shed his blood for his country is good enough to be given a square deal afterwards,’ said former President Theodore Roosevelt. At Azure College, we are sensitive to this very line of thinking and create programs and teaching methods that are tailor made for veteran medics.

Azure college recognizes milestones that are daunting and perceived as almost insurmountable by veteran medics seeking re-employment in civilian healthcare. The boards often seem like a difficulty that prevents veteran medics from entering the civilian nursing profession-such stress points are adequately addressed by Azure’s preparatory curriculum and supportive trainers so you get the results that you always desired-becoming a Registered Nurse.

At Azure College you will be combat ready for the civilian nursing requirements that once challenged you.

Friday, 26 September 2014

Is it fun going back to college?

Older adults returning to college is in exciting prospect for both individuals and their families. A new education promises a better career and quality lifestyle options. Interlaced with this excitement is also recognition of challenges that lay ahead before successfully earning a degree and becoming a registered nurse.

The nursing profession and the healthcare sciences as a whole experience constant updates to the existing body of knowledge and consequently newer more complex topics need to be studied in the process of acquiring a recognized nursing qualification.

While quality teaching, a practical learning approach and latest technology help, an adult returning to school also needs a nurturing environment in which to learn and experienced staffs that are available to address the individual needs of adult learners.

A Community like Atmosphere:   
At Azure college, you are never alone. Staffs or fellow students, we encourage participative learning so that every individual actively takes part in the learning process and even contributes to it meaningfully. We value the experience adult students bring to the table and enrich our nursing training programs with your participation.

While theory is important, Azure College emphasizes supervised practical learning. You learn in an environment that simulates your future professional surroundings, making learning at nursing school more purposeful and enjoyable.
The right Support:
At Azure College, we understand that individual students have varied learning patterns and would require focused support from time to time. We also believe in the approachability of all our staffs so all your learning needs are fulfilled satisfactorily.

Every student is assigned a career student success coordinator who will see you through the course until such time you are employed. You can go to your assigned coordinator for help with nursing school and receive the specific information or support that is vital to your successful completion of the nursing program.
Azure college takes the toil out of returning to college. We have thought of your specific learning needs as an adult returning to school of nursing, and provide the necessary support for your success.

Wednesday, 3 September 2014

Licensed Practical Nurse-Step into a Rewarding Career

Several adult nursing aspirants face the daunting task of going back to college and grappling with a complex curriculum. Licensed Practical Nursing-LPN courses are relatively easier to complete. Job opportunities for practical nurses are many. Passing the LPN NCLEX exams for practical nursing is less challenging, increasing your chances of becoming a licensed practical nurse. 
A short term practical nurse course can increase your chances of becoming a civilian nurse dramatically while offering easy to get to employment options after course completion.

Financial Security:
With a median annual salary of a practical nurse exceeding USD 40,000 and a healthy demand for practical nurses, your chances of getting a job after lpn training are excellent. The demand is growing at a brisk rate of 25% annually presenting better than average employment opportunities . With anlpn nursing job, you get into the zone of financial security quickly and in a sustainable way. There are in excess of 363,000 job openings up until 2022 according to reliable estimates published.

Meaningful Employment:
Licensed Practical nurses work under physician and senior nurse supervision and perform tasks critical to patients under medical care. Without practical nurses, effective care for the ill, injured, infirm and the old would become difficult. Licensed Practical nurses also promote overall well being and health in the population under their care.

Becoming a licensed practical nurse is a great way to begin a long and fruitful nursing career. You quickly attain social independence and financial security which puts you in the right frame of mind to pursue higher certifications towards more rewarding nursing jobs.