Saturday, 27 September 2014

Are you ready for the Civilian Combat

Military medics having gained their precious experience saving lives and providing relief from ailments afflicting their fellow servicemen while on duty, face an uphill task before they can put their valuable nursing skills to use in a civilian nursing practice.

From lack of documentation of their skills to increased dropout rates from civilian nursing programs, veteran medics face obstacles that arise more out perception of their abilities rather than the actual skills they possess.

Lack of information getting around the federal procedures that offer aid and support to veteran medics is also a cause for concern. Without proper support, financial and social, more and more veteran medics face employm
ent challenges in a civilian health care environment when indeed there a huge demand for civilian registered nurses.

Combat weary or combat ready

A case driven practical learning approach at Azure College mimics your previous work environment as a military medic. Highly structure learning environment and an individual co-ordinator assigned to each student ensures that a veteran medic student is getting the individual inputs required for successful course completion.

‘A man who is good enough to shed his blood for his country is good enough to be given a square deal afterwards,’ said former President Theodore Roosevelt. At Azure College, we are sensitive to this very line of thinking and create programs and teaching methods that are tailor made for veteran medics.

Azure college recognizes milestones that are daunting and perceived as almost insurmountable by veteran medics seeking re-employment in civilian healthcare. The boards often seem like a difficulty that prevents veteran medics from entering the civilian nursing profession-such stress points are adequately addressed by Azure’s preparatory curriculum and supportive trainers so you get the results that you always desired-becoming a Registered Nurse.

At Azure College you will be combat ready for the civilian nursing requirements that once challenged you.

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