Monday, 24 August 2015


There is a growing need to provide linguistically and culturally competent healthcare to many areas of the U.S. specially Florida. Azure College answers the calls by developing the Accelerated RN/ASN Program For Foreign-Educated Physicians to aid internationally trained physicians (MD) and Dentists earn an Associate of Science (ASN) degree in Nursing.
Foreign trained doctors face immense challenges getting a license to practice in the United States. Not only must they relearn the medical profession in English, but many must also work to support themselves and their families. The problem however resides in the fact that many tend to be older by the time they arrive in the United States, sometimes too old to dedicate years to studying for exams and finding and completing a residency program.

While a good number has been able to obtain licenses and practice medicine in USA. Others have chosen to settle for work in fields that have nothing to do with medicine. For instance it is not uncommon to find neurosurgeons and other highly respected foreign medical specialists working as Real Estate agents, mortgage brokers, warehouses & factories workers or gas station attendants.
Azure College’s Accelerated Nursing Program For Foreign-Educated Physicians (MD to RN) is designed to help them secure a medical career in the US in record time. They can complete our Associate Degree in Nursing in just 52 weeks and challenge the NCLEX-RN exam.

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