Monday, 6 July 2015

Admission requirements for Nursing (ASN): 

The programs at Azure College are open to all qualified applicants without regard to political affiliation, race, color, religion, gender, disability, marital status, place or birth or national origin and with proper regard to their privacy and constitutional rights.
Prospective students who wish to enter our programs must meet the following:
  • Applicant is 18 years of age
  • Schedule and attend an admissions interview with an Azure College Admission Rep.
  • Complete an admissions application and pay $50 application fee.
  • Verification of high school graduation (transcript, diploma, etc.) OR Verification of GED completion (GED scores or GED diploma) OR Proof of graduation from a foreign institution comparable to a United States secondary school OR a signed attestation that the applicant is a High School Graduate.
  • Copy of government issued ID
  • Meet the program technical standards
  • Attend a mandatory information session
Student must provide the following before an admission decision is made:
  • Provide results of your Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT) or American College Testing examination (ACT). Institution requirements for admission are a combined score of 1200 on the SAT, a composite score of 18 on the ACT or a successful passing score on the school’s entrance examination (Kaplan score 60% or higher).
  • Provide the School a clean Level 2 criminal background check.
  • Provide the School a clean Drug and Alcohol Test
Student must provide the following at the most 30 days after class start.
  • Complete Physical Exam
  • Complete an American Heart Association CPR course.
  • Provide a current Liability Insurance
Note: Applicants will not be required to provide proof of high school graduation when they provide the following:
  • Verification (official transcript) of an earned degree from an accredited institution recognized by United States Department of Education,
  • An evaluation of an official transcript by a NACES approved educational evaluator service attesting that the degree is equivalent to a degree earned at an accredited institution of higher education in the United States.
Azure College reserves the right to accept up to 15% of applicants who do not meet appropriate entrance test scores (within three points), but who request admission based on other criteria. An appeal letter by the student and accompanying documentation (two letters of recommendation and official copy of High School transcript) are reviewed by the Dean of Academic Affairs and the Campus Vice President. If the appeal is approved, a waived letter is placed in the applicant’s academic file.
In rare instances when the high school transcript/record is unavailable, a letter which contains the student name, social security number, date and year of graduation, and a statement attesting that the transcript/record is unavailable from the Registrar will meet the entrance requirements to the College for proof of high school.
Note: All students must complete a separate course in HIV/AIDS in order to graduate or demonstrate current documentation of course completion.

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